
Below is a list of links to recent press releases (2016 onwards) in which the SAINT-EX research team made major contributions:

A highly eccentric long-period sub-Neptune transiting a nearby M dwarf (Schanche et al. 2021)

University of Bern press release
Link to science paper (A&A)

Scientists detect signatures of life remotely (Patty, Kühn et al. 2021)

University of Bern press release
Link to science paper (A&A)

Two planets around a red dwarf (Demory et al. 2020)

University of Bern press release
Link to science paper (A&A)

New clues to compositions of TRAPPIST-1 planets (Grimm, Demory et al. 2018)

University of Bern press release
NASA press release
Link to science paper (A&A)

The race to trace TRAPPIST-1h (Luger, Sestovic et al. 2017)

University of Bern press release
Link to science paper (Nature Astronomy)


Seven terrestrial planets around a nearby star (Gillon, Triaud, Demory et al. 2017)

University of Bern press release
NASA press release
Link to science paper (Nature)


NASA's Spitzer maps climate patterns on a super-Earth (Demory et al. 2016)

NASA press release
Link to science paper (Nature)


Three Potentially Habitable Worlds Found Around Nearby Ultracool Dwarf Star (2016)

ESO press release
Link to science paper (Nature)